Tools to equip you for your journey to learn, lead, and love your small group!

Click on any of these 6 elements to explore them in more details.

Learn your people

Before you can truly lead your people, you need to know them.  

Lead your people

Leading requires you to know where you're wanting to take your people.

Love your people

Jesus shows us the most impactful way to lead others is to love another.

Video Training

Updated and ongoing training for small group leaders.

Curriculum Options

This is a list of some of our small group curriculum available for check out from the office.

Misc. Resources

Downloads, articles, and other assorted resources for small group leaders.

Learn Your People

  • Personally
    • Likes/dislikes
    • Family
    • Job
    • Take attendance and know when and why people are missing.  Follow up as necessary.
  • Spiritually
    • Testimonies
    • Prayer requests (and follow up)
    • Spiritual Gifts
    • Church history/background

Lead Your People

  • Leading doesn't required a dictator
    • A good leader learns the people so they know best how to lead them
    • Having people own group decisions is better than blind obedience
  • Leading is more than a democracy
    • Not every decision should be a vote
    • It's okay to to discuss options and still have the leader make the final call
A dictator makes the group feel like they're marching and a pure democracy makes the group feel like they are wandering.  It should feel like a hike where you have the compass and map and you are leading the group where they need to go.

Love Your People

  • Circles and now rows
    • Small groups is more than Bible discussion.
    • There are certain things that we can only learn doing life with each other that we can't learn in classroom settings.
  • Mutual Ministry
    • One of the most powerful ways we can fulfill the "one another" commands of Scripture is breaking into gendered groups and having Mutual Ministry Time.
Men and Women's Guides for Mutual Ministry Time

Curriculum Options

The following is not an exhaustive list.  Please contact the office to see about stoping by and looking at all curriculum available.  We've linked the pictures to the amazon book that gives a sense of what the study is about.  Most of the studies below are DVDs, and many have leaders guides.

Marriage Studies

Family Studies

Topical Studies

Women's Studies

Misc. Resources

  • Elexio Community app for the Google Play Store
  • Elexio Community app for the Apple App Store